Most people you meet seem to live quite limited lives and their lives don’t seem to change much over the years.
The fact is – and it’s a sad fact – most people just seem to meander along doing the same thing today as they did yesterday (which is the same thing they did the day before, the week before…).
You can be like this, or you can figure out that you can choose a path, and simply walk down it.
You should always try to be completely happy where you are at, yet at the same time, you should always look for ways to make things even better.
Most people never seem to be concerned with either of these things. Life just seems to happen to these people – they are pulled through life and just react to whatever is happening.
We should all be reminded more often to take the time to slow down, feel grateful for what we have, and just savour the moment. By this I mean really enjoy precisely where we are at, without any concern for anything in the past or the future, just simply be happy – perfectly pleased to be where we are right now.
But, after a bit it's time to stand up, stretch, take a deep breath and say “All right then, now what? What’s next?” And get busy moving the next mountain.
The truth is most people have simply never decided that making improving themselves important. They don’t even think about it. Either they have long since given up or (more often) it has just never even occurred to them.
Start living life according to your own terms. Commit to achieving real mastery in your art. This will take some effort. It will require of you the decision to live a more meaningful life – one filled with an energetic purpose, a passion, for continually pushing yourself as an artist.
Shaping a Life
Most people live life in a state of reaction to whatever comes along and demands their attention. Instead, define a vision for what you hope to achieve in every important part of your life you want to continually improve.
When you actually see it, you will not only find yourself inspired, but you will begin to believe that your vision is attainable.
What we need is clarity.
Are you rolling through your life, dealing with what it throws at you? OR, are you crafting your life, deliberately, with intention, and according to a plan you have thought out and decided upon in advance?
Your ultimate vision could be an amalgamation of all the separate visions you have for each important area of your life.
Each of these areas should represent a part of your life you are committed to living on purpose. Each should be an area of your life you want to be continually making better. “Better” rarely happens by accident. You should want to create your life.
What we want to do is bring our ultimate visions for each important area of our lives all the way down to clear, immediate, tangible goals we are committed to achieving.
If you are reviewing these goals on a really regular basis – that is when you are truly living your life on purpose.
You can create anything you want of your life. You can improve every part of your life you hold dear. But you have to choose to do so, and you must take it seriously – planning it out and taking time each week to make sure you are on course.
A great life doesn’t just happen – you make it happen.