When living in Wellington and Dunedin I was such a water baby - how could you not when surrounded by so much water. In Dunedin I would scuba-dive and in Wellington, while still scuba diving, I could also be found kayaking or body boarding. Since returning South, I have been drawn more and more to the mountains, and specifically to those I am more familiar with in the Maniototo, having spent my teenage years in this area.
I have learnt that every mountain range has its own character and mystique. On my workshops held in the land of big skies and majestic mountains, I help you to seek out these unique qualities.
With all of the different weather patterns and consequent conditions, changes of the seasons, and different topography to work with in a mountainous region, there are many opportunities or options for creating a good photograph.
Views looking into the mountains are often more dramatic than those taken from the tops of peaks. Photographing mountains from a lower vantage point will isolate the peaks against the sky and clouds, which adds to the feeling of height.
While I mostly use wide-angle lenses for broad views, there are times when telephoto lenses can be used to picked out and emphasize patterns and details.
Side lighting during the magic hour definitely sets off views in the mountains, but that's not the only lighting that works well. I'm always watching cloud movements, and looking for sun shafts and any other kind of weather drama.
Since mountainous areas create their own weather, there is usually a good variety of weather to work with. Clearing conditions can be especially appealing as views appear through breaking clouds. These can make for images with real dramatic impact.